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Click here to visit UKGDL's companion sites
UKBMD -BMD Births, Marriages Deaths and Censuses UKMFH - Military Family History

This site provides 2282 links to web sites that offer on-line data in a wide range of categories to help you with your Family History research.

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Visit UKGDL's companion sites UKBMD for over 2,400 links to web sites with online BMD and Census data and UKMFH for over 1,500 links to web sites with online information for Military Family History.

Genealogy and Family History are usually mentioned in the same breath as being the same hobby, but really they are two halves which go together to make a whole.

Building your family tree by collecting the raw events data such as birth, marriage and death dates is the genealogy side of the hobby. Finding out about the people, who they were, where they lived and what they did is the Family History side.

UKBMD has evolved over the years to act as an aid to help you find on-line data to build your genealogical trees, but its strength is in raw genealogical data rather than your family history.

So, UKBMD has this companion web site: UKGDL

UKGDL aims to help you find out the history of your family by linking to web sites that have on-line data which will help you discover what your families did and how they lived.

School lists, trade directories, electoral rolls, passenger lists, old photographs etc., are all valuable sources of information which can help you complete your family tree – many are now listed under UKGDL's menus.

What's on this site ?

From the menu buttons on the left you can access:
  • Miscellany - To list all the web sites with information related to genealogical research which is not specific to individuals, e.g. date calculators, old occupations, coinage, old medical terms etc.
  • Category - To list all the web sites for a particular category, e.g. School or Educational Records, Trade Directories, Tithes etc.
  • County - To list all the known GDL web sites for a particular county (or country), use this option, remembering to first select a county from the drop-down list. Note: the counties refer to the pre-1974 UK counties. For information about the county boundary changes see the Local Government Changes page within GENUKI.
  • Occupations - Occupations Keyword Search. The Category and County pages provide an easy and effective means of finding links specific to many major topics of Family History, but they really cannot do justice to the vast range of occupations that are covered. So, the Occupations page allows you to fine-tune your searches by selecting one or more occupations from a vast list.
  • Places - Places Keyword Search. The Category and County pages provide an easy and effective means of finding links specific to many major topics of Family History, but they really cannot do justice to the vast range of places that are covered. So, the Places page allows you to fine-tune your searches by selecting one or more places from a vast list.
  • British Abroad - Many people who considered themselves to be British have life events recorded abroad. The links on this page will help you find these sites.
  • FAQ - Answers to Frequently Asked Questions.
  • Contact - information about how to contact us and provide feedback - especially if you can provide information about sites not listed here.
  • About Us - brief history about who we are and how we came to be here.

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